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Created: Mar 20, 2019
Known for his adventurous spirit, Ognjen is still part of our team, even though he runs his own business now. His love of adventure brought Alma Quattro to the peak of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe.
I started working in Alma Quattro in 1996, when there were only four people in the management and five of us working in the field. I was a technical team member, but we were all doing everything. Owing to our teamwork we managed to solve problems on the fly and to accomplish set goals regardless of the working hours, because we felt as members of one big family. I didn’t change many jobs, but I changed them following my feelings, when I felt that it was the time for a new experience. I left Alma Quattro in May 2005.
I can honestly say that I have never got over leaving Alma Quattro. Even today I talk about “my Alma” and the warmth and attitude towards employees.
The beginnings of Alma Quattro were on the third floor of the building in Dositejeva Street. One office was shared by Nataša, Adela, Sanče, and Nick, a representative of the Greek Alma Media Group, which was the then co-owner of the company. The work system was as follows: the five of us would gather around 8.30 and we would go to a meeting with Nick and Sanče. A part of that routine was also the same question asked by Ted, Nick’s predecessor, every morning:
“Hello, guys. What do we have scheduled for today?”
Celebration of New Year back in1997 in the premises of Alma Quattro.
The company didn’t skimp on safety and satisfaction of employees, even though Sanče, as general manager, excellently managed the finances.
“Are you warm?”
“Do you need anything else?”
“Are you all right?”
We felt safe and it was our honour to be part of such company.
As many other guys from Alma, I was a folk dancer in the ensemble of folk dance and songs “Dimitrije Koturović”. I started with folk dance by chance. My father took my sister to a folk dance class, I was bored, and I accompanied them. I thought that I could do it as well. I continued with folk dance for the following 22 years.
We are kids from Rakovica who met in our folk dance club and grew up together. We will always be friends.
And, I am grateful that Alma Quattro and Sanče always had understanding to give us time off for our tours and travels.
I got into mountaineering by chance. One day in 1999 we were sitting in a café of our folk dance club with one girl who had started climbing. She looked at me and said: “Hey, you are an adventurer. Come with us to the Carpathians in Romania!” My answer was: “I would like to. When?” We set off two weeks later. It was the true adrenaline. We had a fantastic time!
Varful Peleaga, 2.509 metres above sea level, the South Carpathians, Romania, 1999.
Once I got lost in the mountain for 3 days. In such situations it is of utmost importance to stay calm and not to be overcome by fear. Because of my calmness, after wandering around I managed to find my group, which was waiting for me, and we continued our adventure.
But, my true achievement in mountaineering was in 2003, when I climbed 7 highest peaks of Europe sponsored by Alma Quattro. At that time orange was the colour of our logo and we “coloured” the peaks we climbed in orange.
Mont Blanc, 4810 metres above sea level, the highest peak in Western Europe.
The following year I had the next challenge and I had my highest personal achievement in winter mountaineering. With a selected team headed by Dragan Jaćimović, we went on an expedition to the highest peaks of Ukraine and the highest peak of the European continent, Mount Elbrus, the Caucasus Mountains, 5642 metres above sea level.
The highest peak of the European continent, Mount Elbrus, the Caucasus Mountains, 5642 m a.s.l.
A stop on the path to the highest peak of the European continent, Mount Elbrus, the Caucasus Mountains, 5642 m a.s.l.
Alma Quattro encouraged us to develop in all fields and to be accomplished. We are all people with many talents, skills, and hobbies and we couldn’t do just one thing. We always needed something more, and Alma Quattro was in tune with that.
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